
The day of graduation in Kyushu University

Three undergraduate students and three master course students finished their course. Four of them are leaving this laboratory for their job.
Every year, this day makes me bit sentimental, but for them, this is also the day of their start.


On a little street in Fukuoka-2

A small liquor shop, Nakajima, in Hakozaki.
It deals several kinds of special Japanese rice wine flavored with plum or an aromatic citron called yuzu, which are my favorite.


My favorite qualtet

The Manhattan Transfer; they sing jazz like instruments.


On a little street in Fukuoka

This title was named after a sweet love song "On a little street in Singapore", originally played by Glenn Miller Orchestra (I came across this song covered by The Manhattan Transfer).

Several days ago, when I walked through streets in Taipei, the scene reminded me this song, and I thought that many small streets in my city, Fukuoka, also has similar pretty and peaceful atomosphere, which may be nice to record and introduce using this space. I would like to show such streets and paths mainly in Hakozaki and Maidashi district in the East Fukuoka, where I live and work, with some snap-shot photos, though we have access to the street views of these area on Google Map.

Today's site is here.
Yoneyama Benzaiten Shrine, just behind my forvorite bar "Third Stone", which is along the Daigaku Dori street, an old main street in Hakozaki.
Benzaiten Shrine is a type of shrine for a god "Benten (Sarasvati; the Hindu goddess of music, eloquence, wealth, and wisdom)". Although this is a small shrine, but is kept clean by local resident, suggesting their religiousness.